Webinar Dualism on Türkiye's Policy Direction in the Erdoğan Era
Webinar Dualism on Türkiye's Policy Direction in the Erdoğan Era

The Student Association of the International Relations Study Program (Himahi) Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) UIN Jakarta held a webinar discussing Turkey's policies in the Erdogan era, which often contained dualism. Turkey in the Erdogan era has several times experienced a combination of policies that contained Islamic values ​​in them, but were still secular in appearance.

The resource person in this webinar, Bernando J. Sujibto or who is familiarly known as Pak BJ, is a lecturer in the Sociology Study Program at UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta who earned his master's degree at Selcuk University, Turkey. Apart from that, he is also the founder of Spirit Turkey and has written several books related to the country of the two continents, including: Turkey You Don't Know!, Traveling to Turkey, and Secular Turkey .

In delivering the material, the speaker began by explaining the background of the figure of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, namely, in the context of how the young Erdogan developed and was formed educationally. According to the speaker, this is important to be able to see the foundation and initial foothold of an Erdogan so that he can develop to so far. There are three most basic things that shape the figure of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, including:

Imam Hatip, is an Islamic-based educational institution. In Indonesia, it can be associated or equated with madrasa schools. Even though this school experienced many pressures such as being forced to close, it remains part of the development of Turkish cultural and social history in general. As an educational institution that designs its programs based on Islamic values, Imam Hatip students have a richer understanding of Islam. This is where the young Erdogan learns more about Islam than Turkish children his age.

Milli Türk Talebe Birliği, a community or organization of students with nationalist leanings while studying at Imam Hatip. This organization promotes Turkish values ​​ranging from history, culture, language and other aspects of Turkey. Erdogan is someone who is very active in this organization and this is where his steps as an activist began, namely, an activist with an Islamic and nationalist spirit.

Edebiyat (reading) is an important aspect that shapes Erdogan's character. Among the works of influential writers in this regard are Necip FK, Mehmet A. E, Mevlana, Yunus Emre, Bektaş Veli.

After discussing Erdogan's background, the next presentation is about Erdogan's political history or journey so far, namely becoming one of the most influential figures both in his country and in the world.

First, he became chairman of the Millî Selâmet Partisi (1976), namely the youth wing organization of a political party.

Second, Refah Partisi (1983), a party under the control of Necmettin Erbakan who was also Erdogan's teacher.

Third, İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanlığı (1994–1998), Erdogan served as mayor of Istanbul during his term of office was successful in handling many crises.

Fourth, Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (founder and chairman, 2001). His success as mayor of Istanbul made him increasingly trusted and he continued to grow by founding a party. In the 2002 election, the party he founded immediately won a big victory which then became the starting point for him to become prime minister from 2003 to 2014 and immediately continue his career as president. His work in leading Türkiye has started since 2002 until now.

After explaining Erdogan's background in terms of education and political career, the final discussion of this webinar can be said to be the core discussion discussing policies in the Erdogan era as well as their reflections on Turkish social life. According to the speaker, in this section there are four things that can serve as a foundation:

Komşularla sıfır sorun ( zero enemies in neighboring countries ), is a Turkish foreign policy that does not want enemies in their neighboring countries. This is an important thing in maintaining the situation in the regional area. However, since 2006, when pressure from neighboring countries became increasingly intense, such as regarding the issue of terrorism, for the sake of national interests, troops were deployed. At least, since 2016 there has been a massive reduction in troops to sweep the border between Turkey and Syria, one of which was the implementation of Operation Olive Branch which was quite effective in eradicating terror.

Milli Guvenlik which means national security. In maintaining national stability, the first step that Erdogan took was to truly maintain the economic stability of the Turkish people. As for the international context, namely by playing both legs with the aim of strengthening national conditions. An example of this can be seen from Erdogan's treatment of Russia and from this we can clearly see Erdogan's two-legged game. According to the speaker, the national interest that is hoped for is to make Turkey a strong regional ruler in the region both in military, economic and other aspects. According to the presenters, Erdogan is a figure who is not afraid when faced with a particular enemy, such as his anger or criticism of the Prime Ministers of France and Israel which he expressed very bravely. This is due to Erdogan's ability to read what and who Turkey is, namely not just knowing quantitatively but more about the ideological foundations that underlie Turkey itself, one of which is Turkey as a very strong geographical connector between Asia and Europe. Playing the power and potential role of Turkey's trade between Europe and Russia and other former Soviet Union countries, including being a geographical ruler in the African region (at least North Africa). Erdogan has great abilities. He is an organic figure, namely a figure born of tough political struggle, which can be a lesson as well as a mental shaper for his personality.

Muslim Communities. In this case, Erdogan seems to be taking advantage of his power as a spokesperson for the Muslim community. He is very vocal about voicing, supporting, and gaining sympathy from Muslim communities. This can be understood from Erdogan's background and from his aim to build further strength, namely by opening a framework and support with Islamic community countries. For example, cooperation with southern countries, before Erdogan's time, Turkey was very closed to cooperation with these countries. At that time, Türkiye's eyes were very dazzled (amazed) by the Westernization of the West.

According to the speaker, it would be wrong to see Erdogan only as a Muslim figure. Rather, it is important to be aware of Erdogan's position as a politician. We can accept the point that Erdogan is a politician who understands religion, but making him a role model for someone who understands religion is an inappropriate step, considering Erdogan's own policies. An example is the trade between Türkiye and Israel which was very massive during Erdogan's time. This means that this aspect must be placed on Erdogan as a Muslim who on the one hand is a politician who is holding responsibilities as head of state. He is of course responsible for maintaining the stability of his country. Therefore, one can see the face of Turkey's dualism when dealing with Israel, on the one hand it can be firm, but on the other hand it still maintains a mutually beneficial relationship. Assessing political figures like Erdogan must be seen from a broad perspective, a perspective that does not only look at one sided assessment.