
Prof. Dr. Dzuriyatun Toyibah, M.Si., M.A.
Dean's Foreword
Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
Welcome to the website of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Sciences (FISIP) at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
This website aims to present the distinguished vision and international reputation of the faculty in the fields of social and political sciences. Its foundation lies in the three pillars of higher education, namely education and teaching, research and development, and community service. It contains information about the activities and innovations carried out by faculty, students, and alumni of FISIP UIN Jakarta
FISIP UIN Jakarta is committed to being a distinguished faculty in teaching. In this regard, FISIP develops a curriculum that integrates Islam and Indonesian identity as strengths, local wisdom, and values of international academic standards. Efforts have been made through the international accreditation of the faculty, where substantive teaching is designed and conducted by internationally reputed academics, both internal and external. This is manifested in the OBE-based MBKB curriculum developed from KKNI and the previous curriculum.
In addition to teaching, FISIP UIN Jakarta is also committed to enhancing the quality of research, publications, and community service. In the field of research and publications, we encourage all faculty and students to be part of the international academic atmosphere. Collaboration at the national and international levels is a concern of the leadership during the 2023-2027 term. Research and publications are directed towards contributing to the development of social and political sciences at the national and international levels. It is hoped that the research conducted by the FISIP academic community continues to influence humanitarian values and socially just living. Recognition of the excellence of this research is reflected in the achievements of study programs that occupy the best SINTA ranking positions. Regarding community service, FISIP builds collaborations with various institutions and communities to maximize the role of FISIP students in internship programs and real-world lectures. Students also play a crucial role in international reputation by engaging in student mobility programs at international campuses. With this experience, students not only enhance the necessary soft skills but also contribute to shaping the future of Indonesia and the world.
We believe that with the participation of all stakeholders, including leaders, faculty, students, education staff, and the entire community, FISIP can achieve its vision of excellence and international reputation. We hope this website serves as a platform to depict these aspects and provide benefits to the general public.
Prof. Dr. Dzuriyatun Toyibah, M.Si., M.A.Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta