Top 30 Works in the Opinion and Film Narrative Writing Competition
Top 30 Works in the Opinion and Film Narrative Writing Competition

In this Covid-19 pandemic situation, it is not a barrier or barrier as an excuse for me not to work and achieve achievements. Of course, this motivation was built because I didn't want to be an "average" student while studying at university. I want to maximize my organization, knowledge, or whatever I gain while on campus to develop my potential well, namely by taking part in various positive, constructive activities. One of them is participating in race/competition events. Because, becoming an outstanding student is one of my goals.

To take part in this opinion writing competition, my biggest motivation was when I found out that the prizes awarded reached tens of millions of rupiah. Of course, with this gift I can use it for my needs, without having to burden my parents anymore, that way I can learn to be independent.

Finally, with this great motivation, I was very serious and had the intention to take part in this competition. This opinion and narrative writing competition, organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia and the Republika Newspaper, has the big theme "Building a Great Generation with Pancasila Character" with two sub-themes "Resilient Generation in the Middle of a Pandemic" and "Let's Do Good." Participants in this competition are intended for pupils and students from all over Indonesia. I chose to take part in an opinion writing competition. The category of writing your own opinion was attended by thousands of registrants from pupils and students throughout Indonesia.

In writing my own opinion piece, I raised the title "Internalization of Pancasila in the Concept of Amar Ma'ruf Nahi Munkar to Encourage a Sense of Community Between People in the Midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic." However, before sending an article to the committee, you must first publish the article on social media. After that, on December 24, Alhamdulillah, my work was selected as a finalist, namely the top 30 best opinion pieces, and later these top 30 works will be collected into a book published by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Republic of Indonesia. The announcement of the top 30 best works was conveyed through the Republika newspaper and Republika's official social media accounts.

Behind the achievements achieved there are struggles that need to be overcome. In producing an article, first, I read more books, then I observe the current social context. That way, I then gave birth to an idea in written form.