This is the Principle of Leadership in Islam
This is the Principle of Leadership in Islam

“Successful leadership in Islam, referring to surah al-Baqarah verse 124, does not adhere to the principle of heredity or based on lineage. "Children, brothers and relatives of a leader (king, president, etc.) do not have to inherit the leadership line of their predecessor," said Iding Rosyidin in a Friday sermon at the FISIP UIN Syarif Hidayatullah mosque, Jakarta on May 26 2023.

When the prophet Abraham was appointed by Allah as priest for all mankind, then Ibrahim asked, what about my descendants, then Allah answered, My promise does not apply to unjust people. "This means that what is emphasized in Islam is not heredity, but rather the criteria, in this case it is not unjust," added Iding.

Not being unjust means it can be very broad, for example, not placing something out of place; not to abuse himself or others; not doing deviant things and so on. And these criteria are clear, very much in line with the leadership that humans need today.

Therefore, Iding's message, in selecting potential leaders, whatever their level, as the public, we must look at the criteria above by looking at their track record. "Don't choose just because of similar ethnicity, ethnicity, language or even religion," concluded Iding.