Studium General: Health Politics in the Midst of a Pandemic
Studium General: Health Politics in the Midst of a Pandemic

FISIP Online,  Faculty of Social and Political Sciences is holding a general studium which will be held on Wednesday, 08 September 2021 at 13.30 – 15.00 WIB. This event uses the Zoom application to meet face to face online. This is because it is to prevent the spread of the corona virus. The theme of this event is "Health Politics in the Middle of a Pandemic".

This time the general studium invited a speaker, namely, Warjio, Ph.D (Lecturer in Political Science at USU, Medan), apart from that, a welcome and introduction to the general studium from the Dean of FISIP UIN Jakarta, namely Prof. Dr. Ali Munhanif, MA. The event was moderated by Dr. Iding Rosyidin, M.Si (Head of Political Science Study Program).

In his presentation Warjio said that some political scientists would argue that they study health as a political entity, but what is really under analysis is the politics of health care. "COVID-19 is the most significant global crisis in our lifetime because of the astonishing number of infections and deaths," said Warjio. Coronavirus Politics identifies key global comparative discussions that continue to explain COVID-19 and shape debates about what it means for scholars in the fields of comparative health and politics.

After the resource person gave his presentation, a question and answer session was opened for the resource person by students. Students were very active in asking questions to resource persons and were enthusiastic from the start of participating in this general studium.