Socialization of laws and regulations regarding the prevention of handling sexual violence
Socialization of laws and regulations regarding the prevention of handling sexual violence

FISIP Online, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is holding a Workshop which will be held on Friday, June 16 2023 at 09.00 – 11.30 WIB. This event took place in the Madya Hall of FISIP UIN Jakarta and was attended enthusiastically by students and the academic community of FISIP UIN Jakarta. The theme of this event is "Socialization of Laws and Regulations Concerning the Prevention of Handling Sexual Violence".

Appearing as a speaker at the Studium Generale, Dr. Maria Ulfa Anshor, M.Si (Commissioner of the National Commission on Violence Against Women). The event began with remarks and introductions from the Dean of FISIP UIN Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Dzuriyatun Toyibah, M.Si., MA. The person acting as moderator is Dr. Ida Rosyidah, M.Si. (Lecturer at FISIP UIN Jakarta) and MC namely Dr. Ana Sabhana Azmy, MIP (Lecturer at FISIP UIN Jakarta) with her characteristically enthusiastic demeanor.

Dean of FISIP UIN Jakarta Prof. Dr. Dzuriyatun Toyibah, M.Sc., MA in his introductory speech stated the importance of this event for students and the academic community of FISIP UIN Jakarta in preventing sexual violence in the campus environment.

Then the event continued with a presentation by the speaker Dr. Maria Ulfa Anshor, M.Sc. He explained about the socialization of laws and regulations regarding the prevention of handling sexual violence as well as handling when sexual violence and harassment occurs on campus. According to him, violence and sexual harassment in the campus environment can occur between lecturers, staff and students.

"Universities must provide a safe complaint or reporting mechanism for people who experience and/or become aware of sexual violence during the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education, on and/or off campus," said Maria Ulfa. Cases of sexual violence in higher education generally take advantage of the power relations of lecturers as thesis supervisors and research supervisors by taking the victim off campus, carrying out physical and non-physical sexual harassment during thesis guidance on and off campus.

After the resource person gave his presentation, a question and answer session was opened for students and lecturers. They seemed very active in asking questions to the resource persons and were enthusiastic from the start of participating in this workshop. The event closed by giving souvenirs to the speakers.