Prof. Dr. Dzuriyatun Toyibah: 4 Steps to Develop FISIP to Have an International Reputation
Prof. Dr. Dzuriyatun Toyibah: 4 Steps to Develop FISIP to Have an International Reputation

The 2023 Working Meeting of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) was held 18-20 June 2023 at the R Hotel Rancamaya, Bogor. On this occasion, the Dean of FISIP Prof. Dr. Dzuriyatun Toyibah, M.Si, MA, in his speech and opening of the working meeting, emphasized the new vision of FISIP. Namely "Making a Faculty of Excellence in the fields of Social and Political Sciences with an international reputation."

To become a FISIP with an international reputation, said Prof Ibah, his nickname, there are four strategic agendas that the faculty must carry out in the future as steps to develop the faculty.

First, FISIP will develop better quality teaching and student activities to produce graduates who are competitive at national and international levels. The issue of education and teaching, as the first of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, of course must be done as well as possible starting from the quality of lecturers, teaching methods, teaching tools or facilities and all matters related to the education and teaching process.

In relation to this, FISIP will make a number of efforts, such as strengthening cooperation with various universities with international reputations, both within the country and abroad, conducting visiting lecture programs , and so on.

Not only lecturers, students and alumni also need to continue to be encouraged to obtain the expected quality. To increase student input, for example, FISIP plans to collaborate with a number of regional governments (Pemda) in Indonesia so that FISIP students are attracted from many regions so that student diversification occurs. In the future, this could lead to cooperation between the two parties in various fields.

In relation to efforts to ensure that the lives of lecturers and students, as well as all academics, continue safely and comfortably, FISIP is committed to forming a Task Force on the Code of Ethics for Preventing Sexual Violence on Campus. The existence of this institution will be very important considering the phenomenon of sexual violence, including verbal violence, that occurs on campus.

Second, FISIP will develop research, national and international publications as well as community service by developing an increasingly academic culture. Regarding research, for example, the Dean explained the faculty's plans to encourage lecturers and students to be involved in research and collaboration with work partners and industry, as well as produce innovations that can make a real contribution to society. At the same time, lecturers are encouraged to increase publications in national and international journals, and continue to strive to gain recognition through their scientific works.

Apart from that, FISIP will also strengthen study program-based research by reviving study centers or laboratories for each study program at FISIP. The existence of this laboratory is considered very important, apart from helping lecturers improve their research performance and publications, it can also produce research collaborations with other research institutions.

Third, FISIP will develop faculty administration and governance based on Indonesian culture and Good University Governance . The education and teaching process, as well as the development of research and publications, will not run optimally if it is not supported by good administration and governance, because it will definitely encounter many obstacles. For this reason, the development of the administrative aspect of governance must be carried out simultaneously with the development of other fields.

Regarding infrastructure and technology related to the above issues, for example, the Dean discussed plans for the development and maintenance of supporting facilities, including laboratories, libraries and lecture halls. The use of information technology is also a priority, with measures such as implementing e-learning and digitizing administration to increase efficiency and accessibility.

Fourth, FISIP will raise the level of its three study programs. The International Relations, Sociology and Political Science study programs, which have had A accreditation for quite a long time, are now ready to be upgraded to international accreditation. And now, this process is being carried out together with a number of study programs within UIN Jakarta.

Apart from that, opening a Masters Program (S2) in Political Science and Sociology is also a priority for the faculty, and is currently in the application process to obtain an operational permit from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Education. The opening of the two master's programs is very feasible because from various aspects everything has been supportive, including lecturers, lecture buildings, administrative staff and so on. In fact, the proposals for these two programs have been made by FISIP for a long time, but for one reason or another, they were only submitted to the Ministry of Research, Technology and Education this year.

One other important aspect related to this problem is the development of a faculty journal, the Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences (JISI) to be accredited by SINTA. Currently, JISI is in the assessment process, so we will get the results in the near future.

At the end of his speech, Prof. Ibah emphasized that FISIP UIN Jakarta is committed to implementing the four strategic agendas by involving all stakeholders, including lecturers, staff, students and external partners with enthusiasm towards a superior and innovative faculty. Even though there are a number of obstacles in the internal environment, the Dean ensures that none of this should become an obstacle for us to make FISIP internationally reputable.