Pilgrimage and Munggahan in Betawi Tradition
By: Ahmad Abrori, Ph.D (Head of Master Program in Sociology FISIP UIN Jakarta)
The Betawi people are a well-known ethnic group with a rich cultural heritage, particularly in social and religious spheres. The customs of pilgrimage and munggahan, or visiting parents or relatives, which are performed before to the month of Ramadan, are two that are still practiced today. These customs serve as more than just yearly rituals; they are a component of a set of values that improve ties within the family and the community.
Greeting Ramadan with delight is a sign of faith in Islam, according to the hadith from An-Nasa'i, "whoever is pleased that Ramadan has arrived will not have hellfire touch his body."
The Betawinese families celebrate the start of the holy month with communal rituals that improve ties across generations, including those with the deceased and those who are still alive, in addition to individual ibadah (worship).
Pilgrimage: Remembering Death and Virtues
For the Betawi, going on pilgrimage before to Ramadan is a significant custom. It entails going to parents', relatives', or community leaders' graves to offer prayers for them. Three primary elements are highlighted in pilgrimage. The first is to keep death in mind, as a reminder that all people will eventually return to God. The second is to offer up prayers for passed family members and relatives so they will find the best place in heaven. The third meaning is to emulate the virtues of passed parents, family members, or local authorities in order to instill excellent ideals in the following generation. This tradition has a deep spiritual meaning. By making a pilgrimage, one is reminded of the transience of the world and the importance of doing good during life. Betawi people interpret pilgrimage as not just a ritual, but also a reflection on the transcendence of life.
Munggahan: Gathering and Purification
If pilgrimage is done to those who have passed away, munggahan is a form of respect for the living family. Munggahan is a time to gather with relatives, especially with parents, as a means of strengthening social relationships.
In big cities like Jakarta and its surrounding areas, many family members live far apart due to population diffusion or lack of time to gather due to busy work schedules. Munggahan is the perfect time to meet each other, share happiness, and prepare for Ramadan with a clean heart. This tradition is also often filled with forgiving each other, in order to live the month of Ramadan with a clean heart; or sharing happiness, such as eating together or giving gifts to older relatives; or providing moral support, especially for family members who face difficulties.
For Betawi society, pilgrimage and munggahan are a package of traditions that are performed simultaneously. This reflects the balance in their social life: honoring the passed away and bonding with the living.
Collective Transcendence of Pilgrimage and Munggahan
Ramadan is often regarded as a month of purification. Apart from fasting, Muslims also increase their acts of worship such as tarawih prayers, reading the Qur'an, and i'tikaf. However, there is another dimension that often goes unnoticed, namely what is referred to in the Sociology of Religion as collective transcendence.
Collective transcendence is a change in self-quality for the better that occurs in a social context. In the pilgrimage and munggahan traditions, there are three indicators of collective transcendence: namely cosmic unification, avoidance of selfish-materialistic attitudes, and active involvement in the community. Cosmic unification has a relationship with nature. Pilgrimage to the grave is a form of human unification with nature. During a pilgrimage, one is between life and death, remembering that this world is only temporary. This realization can encourage a person to get closer to their God.
Meanwhile, the avoidance of selfish-materialistic attitudes is related to noble behavior. By making a pilgrimage and staying in touch, one is reminded that life is not just about worldly pursuits. Visiting graves teaches that after life, there is death that must be prepared with good deeds. The third relates to the willingness to build and activate ourselves in community activities. The traditions of pilgrimage and munggahan strengthen social relations in the community. In some Betawi areas, such as in Pondok Cabe Udik, pilgrimages before Ramadan are organized by the local RW (neighbourhood). The pilgrimage is carried out in large numbers and the streets around the cemetery are temporarily closed. This shows that this tradition is not just a personal act of worship, but also part of strong social solidarity.
Family ties among the Betawi are known to be communal, encompassing not only the immediate family but also distant cousins and neighbors. Many extended families are linked by marriage in one Betawi community. Consequently, there are a lot of people who attend celebrations and tragedies like funerals. For instance, the takziah (consoling the bereaved) at Jalan Talas 2, Pondok Cabe Ilir, is extremely packed when a resident passes away. This demonstrates how, despite an increasingly autonomous metropolitan lifestyle, social ties in Betawi society are still strong.
Concluding remarks
Pilgrimage and munggahan are not just traditions, but part of the Betawi people's identity in welcoming Ramadan. Through these two practices, Betawi commuinties strengthen their relationships with their ancestors, family and community, while deepening the spiritual meaning of their lives.
Moreover, this tradition is also a place of collective transcendence, where individuals experience positive changes thanks to social support from their surrounding environment. In the midst of changing times and modernization, maintaining traditions like this is important so that family values and spirituality remain alive in society.
For the Betawi, welcoming Ramadan is not only about increasing individual piety, but also about building close social relationships. For them, togetherness is part of pietism, and friendship is the best way to achieve blessings in the holy month.(Tries)