National Seminar: Symposium on Tolerance "Indonesia Peace Based on Nationality, Religion and Culture"
National Seminar: Symposium on Tolerance "Indonesia Peace Based on Nationality, Religion and Culture"

Maintaining a conducive atmosphere ahead of the 2024 elections is a shared task for all elements of society. Students are no exception.

Delivered by Intelligence Analysis from the Directorate of Intelligence and Security at Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Danu Wiyata, the role of students as educated people is very central in providing an understanding of the importance of maintaining a conducive political atmosphere.

In fact, he said, the National Police always synergizes with the National Police to maintain the security situation and public order.

This message was conveyed by AKBP Danu Wijaya at the National Symposium held by the Political Science Student Association (Himapol) FISIP UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta together with Himapol Indonesia Korwil III and the Association of Indonesian Social and Political Science Student Institutions (Ilmispi) with the theme "Indonesia Peace Based on Nationality, Religion and Culture”.

"The role of the National Police and students must be a complementary unit, to prevent conflict between divisions in society regarding differences in political views," said Danu at FISIP UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Monday (15/5).

Danu's statement was echoed by Political Science Lecturer at FISIP UIN Jakarta, Zaki Mubarak. He left a message to all students not to get too involved or become one of the causes of divisions in society ahead of the 2024 elections.

"Students must be able to be at the forefront in providing understanding regarding the importance of tolerance to face the threat of political polarization in society," he concluded

This activity also featured the Dean of FISIP UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Dzuriyatun Toyibah, M.Si. In his speech he said that the upcoming democratic party must pay attention to evaluations in previous elections and also encourage students (youth) to play an active role in creating civilized elections and remind the younger generation not to become individuals who are only tough on the outside but soft on the inside.