Motivation of FISIP UIN Jakarta Lecturers and Employees
Motivation of FISIP UIN Jakarta Lecturers and Employees

FISIP Online,  on Thursday, April 8 2021 FISIP held a motivational event for lecturers and staff. The event took place at the Prof. Auditorium. Bahtiar Effendy starts at 09.00 WIB.

This event invited guest speaker H. Aris Ahmad Jaya, DVM., MM. a national motivator, alumni of the Assalam Surakarta Islamic Boarding School and IPB. Aris, as he is usually called, conveyed a strategy of synergy and collaboration called "BEST CONCEPT" which is a synonym for  Benefit, Energizer, Service Excellence  and  Team Work .

The meaning of synergy and collaboration

According to Aris, synergy and collaboration have several meanings. Synergy means working with the same frequency. Equalizing these frequencies is very important. Even though you are in the same office, even in the same work space, if you don't have the same frequency, it's difficult or even impossible to achieve synergy and collaboration. Therefore, match your frequency first with your coworkers before doing work.

Synergy does not mean agreeing with what is wrong, but sometimes, to be able to synergize, we have to have the courage to remind employees and co-workers, even though it feels bitter. Collaboration occurs because there are differences. Differences in capacity, differences in roles, and differences in positions. That is what is called " United Efford ".

Aris further provided a simulation of synergy and collaboration using two bottles of mineral water. Two bottles of mineral water are stacked with both caps turned upside down. Then, between the two bottles, a banknote worth fifty thousand rupiah was inserted.

BEST Concept  

According to Aris, the main factor that can create synergy and collaboration is the system. In this case, the man who was born in Pati offers a strategy called the BEST Concept of Synergy and Collaboration. The philosophy of the BEST Concept is: Do your best. Give the best. Then Allah will give you the best reward.

The operational meaning of the BEST Concept is   Benefit ,  Energyizer ,  Service Excellence, and  Team Work.

Benefit : Ask yourself, how much does what you do benefit other parties? How much benefit is it? How much do you contribute? How much do you help? How much do you share?

Energizer : Good energy will produce the next energy. The higher a person's position, the higher his influence. With the power you have, the term "impossible" does not exist. Impossible in nothing. Everything is possible. You are your energy. So energize yourself.

Service Excellence (Excellent Service). There are four elements (4K) to provide excellent service: Friendliness, Comfort, Speed, and Accuracy. Even though there is friendly service and a comfortable atmosphere, if the service is not provided quickly and accurately, it can make consumers (service recipients) dissatisfied.

Team Work: Team work is formed after BES is fulfilled. The characteristics of a good team are that no one is idle or relaxing, while the others work hard. This means that each team member works according to their role and function. There is a distribution of work with a balance between teams.