Increasing Synergy, FISIP UIN Jakarta Holds Employee and Lecturer Motivation Workshop
Increasing Synergy, FISIP UIN Jakarta Holds Employee and Lecturer Motivation Workshop

Madya Hall, FISIP Online – Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) UIN Jakarta held a motivational workshop for employees and lecturers within FISIP, Monday (14/08/2023) at the Madya Hall, FISIP UIN Jakarta Campus.

Carrying the theme "Improving Performance and Maximizing Service Quality in PTNBH Implementation", this event invited Muhammad Apud Kusaeri (CEO of Trustco Group) as a resource person.

Deputy Dean for General Administration, FISIP UIN Jakarta Dr. Cucu Nurhayati, M.Si in his speech said that one of the aims of holding this event is to explore the potential of employees so that they are always motivated to provide the best possible service.

"When we want to give the best, the output we will get will be good too," he said.

On the same occasion, Apud in his presentation said that to make PTNBH a success, the entire FISIP UIN Jakarta academic community must always work together, synergize and collaborate.

Furthermore, Apud explained the stages of dynamics in a work team. These stages are forming , storming , norming , and performing .

Forming is the first stage in group formation, members begin to learn the tasks given and get to know other team members. The next stage is storming . At this stage, members begin to work but they tend to maintain their own opinions, rejecting the limits set by the group on their individuals.

The next stage is norming , namely the formation of close relationships between group members and establishing rules and finding the right way of communication to help them achieve the desired goals.

"The last one is performing , where all group members can work and function fully. "At this stage, all members have togetherness, self-confidence, creativity, initiative and high enthusiasm so that they can finally achieve a common goal," he said.

Apart from providing presentations, Apud also provided simulations in the form of games to the participants where the aim of these games was to train teamwork , the cohesiveness between one individual and another individual in a work team.

One of the training participants, Gunadi Wibowo, admitted that he was happy with the organization of this activity. Gunadi also hopes that this activity can be made a routine agenda.

"This activity is clearly very useful in increasing synergy and collaboration between employees within the FISIP UIN Jakarta environment. "Therefore, I hope that activities like this can be made into the faculty's routine agenda," he said.