Inauguration of the Head of the FISIP Study Program at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta for the 2023-2027 Period
Inauguration of the Head of the FISIP Study Program at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta for the 2023-2027 Period

FISIP Online,  Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Prof. Dr. Dzuriyatun Toyibah, M.Si., MA appointed a number of new study program heads for the 2023-2027 period. The inauguration took place on Monday, 15 May 2023 in the Meeting Room of FISIP UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. The event was attended by the Dean, Deputy Deans, Head of Study Program and, Head of Division and Head of TU Subdivision.

The event began with the reading of the decree by the Dean Prof. Dr. Dzuriyatun Toyibah, M.Si., MA, which was then continued with the inauguration and taking the oath of office which was read by the Dean and followed by the newly appointed officials. The following are the names of those appointed:





Dr. Joharotul Jamilah, M.Si

Head of the Sociology Study Program


Dr. Suryani, M.Sc

Head of the Political Science Study Program


Robi Sugara, M.Sc

Head of the International Relations Study Program


Then the Dean handed over the SK to the appointed Head of Study Program. It is hoped that the newly appointed Head of Study Program can work together to build FISIP even better in the future.

The event closed with a group photo session.