FISIP UIN Jakarta Hosts Public Lecture on Human and Environment Relationship
FISIP UIN Jakarta Hosts Public Lecture on Human and Environment Relationship

FISIP Online – The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) UIN Jakarta held a public lecture on human and environment Relationship, Monday, October 30, 2023, at the Main Meeting Room of FISIP UIN Jakarta. The event was attended by the Dean of FISIP UIN Jakarta, Prof. Dzuriyatun Toyibah, lecturers, and students.

Moderated by Fathun Karib, Ph.D (lecturer at FISIP UIN Jakarta), the public lecture with the theme "(re)negotiating toxicity: Human-Environment Relations in Green Islam" featured researcher Elena Burgos Martinez from Leiden University as the guest speaker.

According to Elena, Islam has a deep historical continuity in studying, theorizing, and conceptualizing nature. However, she pointed out that the glorification of specific teachings is often emphasized by environmental scholars in political ecology, environmental anthropology, and regional studies, which sometimes overlooks the role of Islam in blurring the boundaries between nature and humanity.

During the event, Elena also shared her experiences while conducting research on Nain Island in North Sulawesi. "On this island, religion and the environment are not separate concepts in general; instead, they complement each other," she explained.

Furthermore, Elena quoted the words of a local figure on Niam Island, Mr. Imam Nong, who said that Islam on the island is not a choice; Islam is everywhere: in the water, the trees, the rocks, and as an island resident, I am also a Muslim. "Islam on this island is not a choice, not because it is forced, but because it is something natural, just like nature itself," she stated.

Based on FISIP's online observation, it was evident that the participants were very enthusiastic in attending this event, as demonstrated by the numerous questions posed to the speaker.