FISIP UIN Jakarta Hosts Indonesian Sociology Study Program Association Forum
FISIP UIN Jakarta Hosts Indonesian Sociology Study Program Association Forum

FISIP UIN Jakarta hosted the Forum of the Indonesian Sociology Study Program Association (APSSI) and the Indonesian Sociological Association (ISI) on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at the Bahtiar Effendy Auditorium, FISIP UIN Jakarta campus. The event was divided into two sessions: a National Workshop and a Critical Dialogue.

The national workshop, themed "Strengthening Study Programs in Preparation for Independent and International Accreditation," and the Critical Dialogue, themed "Transformation of Sociologists for Indonesia," featured eight experienced speakers in their respective fields.

The speakers were Dr. MR Khairul Muluk, Yudha Aryo Sudibyo, Ph.D., Dr. Tyas Retno Wulan, Prof. Dr. Iwan Gardono Sujatmiko, Prof. Dr. Arya Hadi Dharmawan, Dr. Muhammad Najib Azca, and Prof. Dr. Dzuriyatun Toyibah, M.Si.

The event opened with a welcoming speech by APSSI Chairperson Dr. Harmona Daulay. In her remarks, Harmona stated that the ranking of study programs is crucial as it ensures the quality of the curriculum in responding to future challenges and developments in science, thereby enhancing the quality of graduates in facing the era of disruption.

"I also hope that alumni, as future sociologists, will be more agile in adapting to social changes in many aspects," she said.

Furthermore, she expressed her hope that this event would serve as a momentum for APSSI to continuously improve performance and achievements. "In the future, we hope that our synergy and cooperation will remain strong," she added.