FISIP Holds FGD to Fill Out SAR for International Accreditation
FISIP Holds FGD to Fill Out SAR for International Accreditation

On Friday 12 May 2023 FISIP held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in order to fill out the Self Assessment Report (SAR) document for ACQUIN international accreditation. This activity was held at the Arosa Hotel, Bintaro for a full day from morning to evening.

The event was attended and opened by the Dean of FISIP Prof. Dr. Dzuriyatun Toyibah, MA, encouraged the SAR to be filled in optimally. Meanwhile, Deputy Academic Dean Dr. Iding Rosyidin, M.Si, who is also the head of the Social Science cluster, provided technical guidance regarding filling out SAR documents.

The Social Science cluster itself consists of all study programs at FISIP. Namely, the Sociology Study Program, Political Science Study Program, and International Relations Study Program. Apart from that, the Psychology Study Program from the Faculty of Psychology is also part of this cluster. Thus, the Social Science cluster consists of four study programs.

Filling out the SAR document itself is progressing well with 95% of the document draft having been completed. This is because each member of the FISIP Accreditation Team has started work on filling in the items in the SAR in their respective places before taking them to the FGD.

All members of the FISIP Accreditation seemed enthusiastic and enthusiastic about carrying out the tasks that had been given to them. The presence of the Dean of FISIP who never left the event from opening to closing was an encouragement for all team members. Moreover, the target is that filling out the SAR is expected to become a final draft ( final draft ) on the last Sunday of this month before meeting with an official from ACQUIN.