Dean: FISIP UIN Jakarta Firmly Rejects All Forms of Sexual Violence
Dean: FISIP UIN Jakarta Firmly Rejects All Forms of Sexual Violence

Aula Madya, FISIP Online - The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at UIN Jakarta strongly rejects all forms of violence, especially sexual violence on campus.

This was stated by the Dean of FISIP UIN Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Dzuriyatun Toyibah, M.Si., M.A., in her opening remarks at the socialization event of the ERTRI-PSGA task force at UIN Jakarta on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, at Aula Madya, FISIP UIN Jakarta.

According to the Dean, this is in line with Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 30 of 2021 concerning the handling of sexual violence on higher education institution. Therefore, FISIP UIN Jakarta supports and welcomes this regulation as the campus environment must be free from all forms of sexual violence.

"Let's work together to free our campus from the threat of sexual violence," she said.

Also present at the event were Vice Dean for General Administration, Dr. Cucu Nurhayati, S.Ag., M.Si., Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Dr. Agus Nilmada Azmi, M.Si., Head of PSGA UIN Jakarta, Dr. Wiwi Siti Sajaroh, M.Ag, ERTRI task force of FISIP UIN Jakarta, Dr. Agus Nugraha, M.A., faculty members, and students of FISIP.

At the same event, Dr. Agus Nugraha, M.A., from the ERTRI task force of FISIP UIN Jakarta, emphasized the importance of studying Sexual Violence Criminal Acts (TPKS). According to Agus, in addition to Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 30 of 2021, regulations on sexual violence and its handling are also governed by Law No. 22 of 2022, Minister of Religion Regulation No. 73 of 2022, and Minister of Religion Decision No. 83 of 2023.

"In addition, the Rector's Decree of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta No. 573 of 2022 also regulates TPKS. In this decree, the Rector appoints PSGA UIN Jakarta to handle sexual violence through a one-stop service," said Agus.

Meanwhile, the head of PSGA UIN Jakarta, Dr. Wiwi Siti Sajaroh, M.Ag, provided an explanation about PSGA and the ERTRI task force. Wiwi also stated that FISIP is the 10th faculty visited by PSGA UIN Jakarta.

"At the National Commission on Violence Against Women, UIN Jakarta was one of the last universities to establish PSGA because it was the 37th higher education institution to establish PSGA, but even though it was late, what is most important is that it was established. Based on the cases that have emerged, UIN Jakarta may have been late, but it is not the last," she concluded.

Wiwi also explained that sexual violence in higher education institutions has a high percentage, which is why the PSGA Chairman hopes that, in addition to TPKS being regulated by the law, all faculties at UIN Jakarta can work together with PSGA to establish institutions related to this matter and can coordinate with PSGA.

Finally, Wiwi also provided a general explanation of the principles of PSGA, the procedures and methods of filing complaints if something related to TPKS occurs within the faculty or university.

“The ERTRI service not only facilitates students but the entire academic community. The same applies to its planning and operations because the campus is responsible for addressing violence at UIN Jakarta," she concluded.