2nd Place in the "Hysteric" Opinion Writing Competition, BEMP, History Education, Jakarta State University
2nd Place in the "Hysteric" Opinion Writing Competition, BEMP, History Education, Jakarta State University

I am a person who has enjoyed taking part in competitions since high school. At the start of high school, my Indonesian teacher registered me to take part in a Debate Competition in grade 10. After that, I became happy to take part in competitions until finally I and my friends founded the extracurricular Indonesian Language Club at SMA Negeri 27 Jakarta.

Since I entered UIN Jakarta, especially at FISIP UIN Jakarta, the culture of participating in competitions has not been well developed. Therefore, I took the courage in this relatively early semester to take part in various competitions so that my other friends would also feel motivated to take part in competitions. Because if we want to make the campus' good name proud, the best place is in the competition arena. Therefore, I ventured to try to take part in writing competitions or debate competitions.

There are paid and unpaid competition processes. In this competition I took part in a paid one. There were 10 participants from various campuses in Indonesia such as Sriwijaya Univ, Jendral Soedirman Univ, Jakarta State Univ, Indonesian Univ, Pembangunan Jaya Univ, and others. I won 2nd place in the "Hysteric" Opinion Writing Competition at BEMP History Education, Jakarta State University

My hope is that I want to build a culture of achievement, especially at FISIP UIN Jakarta. As I said, if we want to make FISIP UIN Jakarta proud on the national and even international stage, one way is to take part in competitions. Actually, I understand that human resources at FISIP UIN Jakarta are not inferior to universities out there, in fact our human resources are superior because we are used to living critically and discussing on campus, but there have been no facilities and facilities at FISIP UIN Jakarta before to provide a platform for students of FISIP UIN Jakarta to take part in the competition arena. Hopefully in the future more and more FISIP UIN Jakarta students will take to the competition arena. Winning or losing is another matter, but how we dare to carry out the process is the key to success. Apart from that, I also hope that the campus will help us with registration fees because not all competitions are cheap and affordable for all students. In some debate competition events, for example, there are registration fees of up to millions, not including our accommodation to get to the competition venue.