2022 FISIP Working Meeting
FISIP Online , Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held a working meeting on 25-27 May 2022 at Crowne Plaza, Bandung. This event is a program carried out by the faculty to discuss annual work evaluations and upcoming work programs. This work meeting carried the theme "Strengthening Faculty Performance Towards International Recognition".
This activity was attended by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dean, Deputy Dean, Head of Division, Head of Subdivision, Head of Study Program, Secretary of Study Program, Head of Laboratory, Quality Assurance Group, Administrative Staff, Executive Staff, Security Guard, Waiter, who are the faculty work team and coordinate the implementation and work program planning. Each section has duties and responsibilities based on their main tasks and functions which must be realized according to the IKU standards that have been set.
In this day's work meeting, external experts from UIN Jakarta aimed to share insights and knowledge in implementing work programs and evaluating the FISIP RENSTRA. External participants who attended were FISIP Lecturers at Padjadjaran University, Bandung, namely Prof. Dr. Arry Bainus, MA. who will provide input on the prospects for development and progress of the faculty in realizing a superior faculty with international recognition.
"FISIP can focus on carrying out activities that can improve its reputation in the world, such as collaborating with partner universities abroad, both for research collaboration and other academic activities, as well as actively participating in activities organized by QS," said Arry. In his words, awareness of the needs, goals and benefits of internationalization for students, staff, faculty and society will make work targets more measurable.
After the resource persons gave their presentations, the event continued with meetings of each commission, namely discussing the 2021 work evaluation and the 2022 faculty work program. This meeting also discussed budget absorption and the 2022 FISIP activities that would be carried out. then the work meeting was closed by the Dean of FISIP.