131st Graduation Ceremony: FISIP UIN Jakarta Graduates 57 Graduate
131st Graduation Ceremony: FISIP UIN Jakarta Graduates 57 Graduate

The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at UIN Jakarta officially released 57 new graduates who will be conferred their degrees this weekend. The new graduates, consisting of 28 candidates from the Sociology program, 13 from the Political Science program, and 16 from the International Relations program, were honored during the FISIP graduation ceremony held at the Bahtiar Effendy Auditorium, FISIP UIN Jakarta, on Friday, February 23, 2024.

Attending the 131st Graduation Ceremony were FISIP UIN Jakarta Dean Dr. Dzuriyatun Toyibah, M.Si., M.A., Vice Dean for Academic Affairs Dr. Iding Rosyidin, M.Si., Vice Dean for General Administration Dr. Cucu Nurhayati, M.Si., Vice Dean for Student Affairs Dr. Agus Nilmada Azmi, M.Si., and the program heads.

During the event, several outstanding graduates were announced by Vice Dean for Academic Affairs Dr. Iding Rosyidin, M.Si., with the highest Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). The best graduate from the Political Science program, who also became the top graduate of FISIP, was Putri Ramadhana with a CGPA of 3.95, cum laude. The best graduate from the Sociology program was Indi Pratama Putra Shanny with a CGPA of 3.78, and the best graduate from the International Relations program was Siti Zulhaiziah Azalea Zahfira with a CGPA of 3.78.

On behalf of the top graduates, Putri Ramadhana expressed gratitude to her parents and the entire academic community of FISIP UIN Jakarta for their unwavering support from the beginning of her studies until she achieved her degree.

"Pray for us so that our future journey will be even smoother," she said.

At the end of the ceremony, FISIP UIN Jakarta Dean Prof. Dr. Dzuriyatun Toyibah, M.Si., M.A. congratulated the prospective graduates. "After facing various challenges and exams, you have successfully completed this educational stage. Therefore, let us celebrate your success," she said.

She also expressed her hope that FISIP UIN Jakarta graduates would become members of society who can pursue careers in their respective fields.

"We are very proud if FISIP alumni can have brilliant careers. Additionally, always maintain good relations and uphold the good name of our alma mater, FISIP UIN Jakarta," said the Dean.